
Jay Bartholomew is a 50+ year old Scrum Master in information technology by trade. Basically that means he coaches software development teams to follow the Scrum development framework and to be the best they can as a team.

As an artist, Jay has always had creativity in his blood. Writing was his main passion starting early in school. He has completed a draft for a novel and has plans for much more, but finds it difficult to have the time to work on it. In 2008 he was introduced to charcoal drawing and dove in full force with a 100 day challenge to do some form of art every day for that 100 days. It was almost entirely charcoal and was a fantastic experience.

Having moved to the quiet corner of Connecticut in Killingly in 2023, Jay recently joined a local artist group and hopes to work with additional media types, but focuses on acrylics on canvas.