Monthly Archive: July 2021


Yesterday I finished up the above painting. I had originally planned on a forest in the front, but decided against it as I really liked the meadow look.

The paintings keep coming!

While the 30 days of art are complete, I still have the drive to keep painting! This morning I finished the house below, which I started yesterday. The wolf at the waterfall I did...

Day 30!

Day 30 is officially complete! It’s been easier than I thought to make time to paint. Going forward I plan on focusing on fewer paintings, but to spend more time on those paintings. Hopefully...

Day 29

Getting close to the end of my 30 day journey. Somehow I don’t think I’ll slow down too much after this. I’ve really fallen in love with painting more than ever and I’ve got...


Getting close to completing my 30 days of art. I think I need to work on my trees for paintings like this, but the mountains turned out nice.

Day 27

My second oil painting for the 30 days of art. It will be a while before I can do more as I don’t have any other place to leave them to dry! Worked on...

Drawing again

As I’ve taken up painting again, it’s made me realize I haven’t done much drawing lately either. The truth is, I need to get some supplies for today’s painting and I needed something to...


It’s been a very long time since I’ve painted with oils so I decided to do one for a bonus painting for the day. Turns out I probably should have replaced those paints years...

Day 26

I ended up painting on a rather small canvas. I didn’t have the energy to do a larger canvas this morning, but I wanted to do something. Tried a barn based on a recent...

Day 25

Today’s painting has me thinking about being up in the mountains of New Mexico. A quick hike up the mountain from the “family” cabin finds you surrounded by aspen. It’s the kind of place...